Get our app


SMGS Blarney app iPhone.png

Our school at your fingertips


Let us keep you up to date with school news, events and important notifications.

Stay connected with us through our new app. It is custom designed to be easy to navigate and due to its integration with our brand new website, contains the same depth of information. Features such as "add to your calendar", "click to call" and "click to email" are designed for your convenience - try it out today.



Or simply go to the apple app store/google play store and search: "smgs blarney".



  • News feed

  • Notifications

  • school events with "add to your calendar" feature

  • Click to call & click to email

  • Gallery


  • Parent Section

  • VS Ware access from the app

  • Social Media integration

  • All of the website content within the app