SMGS School Notices

Scoil Mhuire gan Smál will reopen tomorrow Monday 5th March.

3rd Year students will undertake their SEC Irish Orals tomorrow. 

A reminder to 1st Yr. parents/guardians that the 1st Yr. Parent Teacher Meeting will take place on Tuesday evening 6th March, beginning at 3.45pm. Last appointment will be 6.15pm.

1st Yr. students will be given a sheet going home tomorrow to be given to parents, listing their subject teachers and where the teachers can be located in the Main Hall/Room 1. Parents are also asked to bring in a copy of the Christmas results.

Also on Tuesday night March 6th @ 7.30 pm, the TYO 2018/19 Info meeting will take place at 7.30pm in the Study Hall. Parents /Guardians of current 3rd Yr students are invited to attend.

Finally, we are in the process of installing a new serving area in conjunction with GetFresh Catering who will be taking over the supply of all break/lunchtime healthy food options for our students and teachers. At present items from the sample menu shown below will be on offer. Hot options will be available ASAP. A finalised /daily menu will be made available shortly.



Cathal DoddComment