First Year Outing to Ballyhass

On Friday May 11th our first year classes loaded up for a day of adventure in the Ballyhass lakes activity centre. To say it was a wet dreary morning would be an understatement! The rain was biblical. We drove through floods and hailstones but remained hopeful that the Met Eireann forecast for the day to brighten would actually materialise. There wasn’t a complaint from our hardy crew as they descended from the buses gathering up their bags for the day. Miraculously by the time the groups were organized and ready to set off to their activities the rain had stopped and the clouds were breaking up. Yes even the sun came out.

The students and staff had a fantastic day. The students took part in a range of activities. Team building games and challenges, abseiling, climbing up the high ropes of the gladiator course, scaling the shaky pole to jump off the leap of faith, screaming across the Zip Line and having amazing fun in the aqua park.

It was a great occasion to see the first years all together having fun and adventure with their friends and classmates. It was a pleasure to take them out for the day. They were great fun and very cooperative. The staff at Ballyhass complemented them on their good behavior and positive attitude for the day.

Well done to all, and thanks to the teachers who helped out on the day and got stuck in to the activities too. Thanks also to Ballyhass for organizing a great day. Another great year of fun and laughs in the great outdoors. 😀